Best charging habits for Cybertruck battery longevity?

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Rhode Island
This is my first EV (super excited for the Cybertruck!), and I want to make sure I’m doing things right to keep the battery healthy long-term.

Right now I’ve got it set to charge up to 60% but I’m wondering,
1. Should I leave it plugged in even after it’s fully charged?
2. Is 60% the best daily limit, or should it be higher/lower?
3. Tips for adjusting these settings when driving habits change?

I’ve read conflicting advice. some people say to always keep it plugged in. There are caution to unplug once full. I'm kinda confused with these.
Okay, so the car's manual says to plug it in whenever you can, and the display suggests keeping the charge at 80% for everyday driving. Basically, just plug it in when you get home and set the limit to 80%. You can either schedule it to charge overnight, or just let it top up automatically when it's plugged in. Easy peasy!
Congrats on your first EV and the Cybertruck.
  1. It’s fine to leave it plugged in, most EVs manage charging automatically.
  2. 60% is great for battery longevity, but 70-80% may be better if you need more range.
  3. Raise the limit before long trips, and keep it lower for daily driving. Tesla’s software optimizes charging, so trust its recommendations. Enjoy

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