Considering powerwall 3 for solar setup and cybertruck

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I have a solar array without backup and don’t think Power Share and Cybertruck can accept solar power while powering the house. I’m asking Tesla to apply my $2,500 credit from negating Power Share toward the Powerwall 3 and use the $4,000 installation credit. Has anyone had issues with this or know if Power Share will eventually accept bi-directional power?
I wouldn’t count on Power Share supporting solar integration anytime soon, it seems more like a temporary home backup solution rather than a full-fledged energy management system like the Powerwall 3. If Tesla lets you apply both credits, that’s a solid deal. Have you checked with Tesla Energy yet to see if they’ll approve it?
I haven’t heard of Power Share supporting solar integration yet, but applying the credits toward a Powerwall 3 seems like a smart move. It’s worth confirming with Tesla Energy for confirmation.

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