Powershare along with a couple of Powerwalls

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Has anyone added Powershare along with a couple of Powerwalls to their existing Tesla solar system after getting the Cybertruck? I've been considering Powerwalls for backup ever since I installed Tesla solar, but the budget didn’t allow it at the time. Living in Tampa, we’ve experienced a few power outages, including one during a hurricane that lasted quite a while.

Now, with Powershare and the voucher, I’m thinking of adding a couple of Powerwalls to improve my backup system. This would provide extra load capacity, as my usage sometimes exceeds what Powershare can handle on its own, and it would ensure I have backup power when the Cybertruck isn’t home.

Has anyone gone down this route? How did it affect the overall cost?
If you’re already invested in Tesla’s solar system, adding Powerwalls + Powershare is a no-brainer for backup power. The only downside? Cost. Powerwalls aren’t cheap (around $8K–$10K each before incentives), but they offer better long-term reliability than relying solely on the truck. If you can stack the Cybertruck voucher and possible state incentives, you might be able to bring the price down significantly.

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