Unusual battery drain of 3 miles per 9 hours

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Hello guys! I am faced with an unusual battery drain on my CT of about 3 miles per 9 hours. That's too much compared to the previous Model 3. I tried to decrease the drain by turning off the sentry mode, updating the software, and even, removing the Tesla app widget from my phone. But no results. Is anyone else with the same issue that could guide me somehow? Thanks!
3 miles over 9 hours is a lot, especially if sentry mode is off. It’s possible there’s a background process or bug causing the issue. Have you tried disabling cabin overheat protection or turning off Wi-Fi when parked? If those don’t help Tesla service might need to step in this could be a software issue they need to address.
I used to have a 2017 Model 3, and never had this battery drain issue. With the Cybertruck, I typically charge it to 90% overnight, which should get me around 250 miles of range. But when I check it later, it’s only showing about 240 miles. Fingers crossed an OTA update will sort this out and cut down on the drain!

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