Can the UWC back up my house?

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Can my house still be powered during an outage if I install a Gen 3 UWC without the 3V Backup Gateway and turn off the main breaker? If so, I could take out my NEMA 14-50; if not, I'd have to use the CT's 240V outlet as a workaround. Has anyone given this a try?
I understand your idea about using the Gen 3 UWC without the Backup Gateway by flipping the main breaker. It's technically possible but it misses the key features of the system and introduces safety concerns with manual switching. The CT outlet is a restricted alternative. For a smooth and safe experience the complete Gateway installation is the better option.
I understand your idea about using the Gen 3 UWC without the Backup Gateway by flipping the main breaker. It's technically possible but it misses the key features of the system and introduces safety concerns with manual switching. The CT outlet is a restricted alternative. For a smooth and safe experience the complete Gateway installation is the better option.
I get the safety concerns, but I’m exploring practical workarounds. Have you tested the CT outlet’s performance during outages?

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