Cybertruck Charge Scheduling Issues

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Is anyone else having issues with their car charging at the incorrect time? I set it to charge at 10pm, but it usually charges whenever it wants.
I've had similar issues with scheduled charging. It started charging immediately after a recent software update instead of waiting for the set time I set it to charge. Not sure what is happening so I tried rebooting the system. That seemed to help for a bit, but the issue came back after a few days.
Let's figure out first when you want to start charging. Do you just want to set a start time, or do you want to set a start and stop time? Let's just pick one for now.

If you're trying to save money on electricity, you should set it to start when the rates are cheap.

If you want to warm up the car before you leave, you should set it to be ready by the time you want to go.

Also, you might want to charge earlier in the evening instead of at midnight. That's usually when the electricity is cheapest.

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