Powershare installation easy enough for DIY?

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Hey everyone, I’m thinking of installing the Powershare system myself and wondering if there’s a solid installation guide that comes with the equipment. I’d prefer to handle it on my own if it’s not too complicated.

Has anyone here done the install themselves? Is it pretty straightforward, or should I prep for some surprises? If there’s an official guide or tips you’ve come across?
AFAIK, you can probably install the Wall Connector yourself if you know what you're doing, but you definitely need an electrician for the Gateway.

Tesla only sells the Gateways to electricians they trust, so you have to use one of them.
It's great to hear you're considering a DIY approach! Make sure to follow the installation guide closely, and don't hesitate to seek professional assistance for the Gateway installation. Safety is key, and Tesla-certified electricians can ensure everything is set up correctly.

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